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Language Steering Committee Update

The KFN Language Steering Committee would like to hear your thoughts about some of the draft directions they are exploring as part of developing a Language Department and programming.  The Committee will be hosting a series of meetings in Burwash, Whitehorse, and over Zoom between November 1st and 3rd. 

In Burwash on the 1st, please join us in the Elder’s Lounge at 2 pm. 
Also in Burwash on the 2nd, please join us at 9 AM in the Elder’s Lounge and at noon in Jacquot Hall. 
Light refreshments will be served. 

On November 3rd, please join us at the KFN office in Whitehorse between 10 am and 3:30.  There will be a Zoom-only option on Wednesday the 2nd at 7 pm. 

Two youth-focused events will be hosted: one in Burwash on the 1st and one in Whitehorse on the 3rd, both at 7 pm with in-person and Zoom options.  All participants will be eligible to win a $200 gift card. 

There will also be an online survey open between Oct 31st and Nov 6th; all completed survey respondents will be given a $25 gift card.  Watch Facebook and look for posters with details including Zoom and online survey links. 

Dakʼanútà jèʼ I hope you look after yourself.